Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Weapons List

Welcome to our Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Guide. You can view all the unique Weapons, Characters and Maps only found within this survival Game Mode.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombie Weapons

Below is a list of all Call of duty black ops 4 zombie weapons, these weapons are mostly exclusive and can only be found within the Zombies Game Mode.

Weapon Description
Scepter of Ra Stage 1: Ray of Life
Stage 2: Vigor
Stage 3: Shining Beacon
Hammer of Valhalla Stage 1: Thunder Strike
Stage 2: Storm Barrier
Stage 3: Lighting Boi
Chakrams of Vengeance Stage 1: Flawless Vision
Stage 2: Velocity
Stage 3: Lacerating Whirlwind
Viper and Dragon Stage 1: Viper Dragon
Stage 2: Embers
Stage 3: Viper Bite
Assault Rifles ICR-7
Maddox RFB
Hitchcock M9
Rampart 17
Tactical Rifles Swordfish
Essex Model 07
ABR 223
Auger DMR
Submachine Guns Escargot
Saug 9mm
Light Machine Gun Titan
VKM 750
Sniper Rifle SDM
Paladin HB50
Secondaries Welling
M1897 Trebuchet
RK 7 Garrison
Hellion Salvo
Equipment Frag
Acid Bomb
Wraith Fire

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombie Perks


Below is a list of all Call of duty black ops 4 zombie perks, these perks are exclusive and can only be found within the Zombies Game Mode.

Zombie Perks Description
Time Slip Adds special weapon and elixir cooldowns to the list of things that are sped up.
Quick Revive Gives a boost to movement speed when health regen starts. When you revive a teammate, both of you are given full health upon revive and a boost to movement speed
Death Perception Increased damage against special enemy weak points.
Stamina Up Sprint is now unlimited and you can fire while sprinting.
Electric Burst Reloading stores an electric charge on the Player's melee weapon. The next melee attack empowers the weapon to shock enemies for a limited time. The more empty the magazine the longer the time.
Dying Wish Get full HP after you are done berserking.
Stone Cold Stronghold Enemies defeated inside the circle add to the damage and armor buff.
Victorious Tortoise Shield bash attacks can knock down Heavy and Mini-Boss enemies.
Deadshot Dealer Gain a damage boost when on a headshot streak.
Bandolier Bandit Refill ammo of stowed weapons over time.
Winter's Wail Frost explosion triggers a slowing field around the player for a limited time. Store an additional charge.
Mule Kick Switch weapons faster. The additional weapon will be saved and restored on next Mule Kick Perk purchase.
Ph.D. Slider Increased explosion damage when sliding from heights, Damage immunity to traps if you slide through them, increased slide distance.
Secret Sauce Probably just modified whatever perk it gives you.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombie Elixirs


Below is a list of all Call of duty black ops 4 zombie elixirs, these elixirs are exclusive and can only be found within the Zombies Game Mode.

Classic Elixirs Description
Always done swiftly (Last 5 Mins). Walk faster while aiming, raise and lower your weapon to aim more quickly.
Anywhere but here! Instantly teleport to a random location. A concussive blast knocks away any nearby zombies, Keeping you safe
Burned out (Last three hits). The next time you take melee damage, nearby zombies burst into fire.
Equip mint Refreshes cooldown on equipment.
Head scan (Last 2 mins). Headshots have a chance to instakill.
Nowhere but there Teleport to a downed players location.
Newtonian Negation WHIMSICAL Activates immediately (last 25 mins) Zombies killed fall straight up.
Stock Option Ammo is taken from your stockpile instead of your weapon's magazine.
Anti Entrapment (Last 30 Secs) Immune to player initiated trap damage.
Point Drops Drop 500 of your points as a power up.
Pop Shocks Auto Activates when melee attacking Zombies (5 Melee Attacks). Melee attacks trigger an electrostatic discharge, electrocuting nearby zombies.
Arsenal Accelerator (Last 5 mins) Charge your special weapon faster.
Aftertaste (Last 1 down) Keep all Perks after being revived.
Temporal Gift (Last 5 Mins) Power ups last longer.
Now you see me All zombies will chase you for 15 seconds.
Common Elixirs Description
Ctrl + Z Turns Zombies near you into allies (max 2). Lasts 15 seconds.
Dead of Nuclear Winter Spawns a nuke power up
in Plain Sight You are ignored by zombies for 10 seconds
Licensed Contractor Spawns a carpenter power up
Phantom Reload Sometimes reloading does not cost ammo. (Last 4 mins)
Who's Keeping Score? Spawns a double points power up
Sword Flay (Last 1 min) Melee attacks deal zombies 5x as much damage.
Rare Elixirs Description
Shields Up Gives a new shield
Kill Joy Spawns an instakill power up
Immolation Liquidation Spawns a fire sale power up
Alchemical Antithesis (Last 1 min) Every 10 points earned is instead awarded 1 ammo in the stock of the current weapon.
Blood Debt (Last 3mins) Lose points instead of taking damage. When you have no points and you take damage, you die.
Extra Credit  Spawns a personal 1250 point power up
Legendary Elixirs Description
Wall-To-Wall Clearance (last 30 secs) Wall buy fire sale.
Free Fire (Last 30 secs) Bullets aren't consumed.
Undead Man Walking (last 1 min) Slow down all zombies to shambling speed.
Power Keg Spawns a full power power up.
Epic Elixirs Description
Wall Power Auto-activates on your next wall buy gun purchase. The next gun bought off a wall comes pack-a-punched.
Join The Party Spawns in all spectating players immediately.
Cache Back Spawns a max ammo power up

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombie Talismans


Below is a list of all Call of duty black ops 4 zombie talismans, these talismans are exclusive and can only be found within the Zombies Game Mode.

Common Talismans Description
Charm of Impatience Respawn near the end of the current round or after 100 zombies have been killed after death
Charm of the Miser Reduced Pack-a-Punch cost
Coagulated Crystal Increases last stand duration
Dimensional Pocket: Acid Bomb Gain an extra Acid Bomb Charge
Dimensional Pocket: Claymore Gain an extra Claymore Charge
Dimensional Pocket: Frag Gain an extra Frag Charge
Dimensional Pocket: Wrath Fire Gain an extra Wrath Fire Charge
Minor Amulet of the 1st circle Reduces the cost of the Danu/Brew Pack
Frugal Fetish Reduces the cost the shield
Energized Amulet Increases earn rate of Special Weapon Experience
Minor Amulet of the 2nd circle Reduces the cost of the Ra/Cola Pack
Minor Amulet of the 3rd circle Reduces the cost of the Zeus/Soda Pack
Minor Amulet of the 4th circle Reduces the cost of the Odin/Tonic Pack
Minor token of superiority Start the match with a SMG
Minor Virtuoso's Charm First box pull is guaranteed to be a box only weapon
Rare Talismans Description
Dimensional Pocket: Sentry Sentry only consumes 50% Charge
Major Amulet of the 1st circle Start the game with the Danu/Brew Pack
Major Amulet of the 2nd circle Start the game with the Ra/Cola Pack
Major Amulet of the 3rd circle Start the game with the Zeus/Soda Pack
Major Amulet of the 4th circle Start the game with the Odin/Tonic Pack
Minor Reinforced Charm Increased Shield durability
Major Virtuoso's Charm First box pull is guaranteed to be an LMG
Major Token of Superiority Start the match with an AR
Legendary Talismans Description
Charged Crystal Start with level 2 weapon
Grand amulet of the 1st circle The Danu/Brew Perk can never be lost
Grand amulet of the 2nd circle The Ra/Cola Perk can never be lost
Grand amulet of the 3rd circle The Zeus/Soda Perk can never be lost
Grand amulet of the 4th circle The Odin/Tonic Perk can never be lost
major reinforced Charm Greatly increased shield durability
Epic Talismans Description
Grand token of superiority Start the match with an LMG
Sigil of the 4th circle Gain the modifier for Odin/Tonic Perk when you acquire it, even if you don't have the first three
Supercharged Crystal Start with level 3 special weapon

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Weapons List


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